What is a good SEO score?

Defining a “good” SEO score depends on a few factors:

Score Source: Different SEO tools use various algorithms and metrics to calculate scores, so a 70 in one tool might be an 85 in another. Generally, scores above 80 are considered excellent across most tools.

Read More: How do I check my website SEO ranking?

Website Size & Complexity: A small, static website might only need a score in the 70s to rank well, while a large, dynamic ecommerce site might need a score in the 90s to compete.

Industry & Competition: Websites in highly competitive industries may need significantly higher scores (90+) to achieve top ranking.

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Overall SEO Strategy: SEO is a long-term strategy, and your score is just one piece of the puzzle. Focus on improving key areas like technical SEO, content quality, and backlinks, even if your overall score isn’t perfect.

However, as a general guideline, here’s how SEO scores are often interpreted:

100-80: Excellent! Your website is well-optimized and on track for high rankings.

79-60: Good. There are improvements to be made, but your website is in decent shape.

Know More: What is backlink in SEO?

59-40: Okay. There are significant SEO issues that need to be addressed.

39-0: Poor. Your website is struggling to rank due to major SEO problems.

Remember, a good SEO score isn’t the end goal; it’s a roadmap. Use it to identify areas for improvement and optimize your website for increased visibility and organic traffic.

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Here are some tips for improving your SEO score:

– Use relevant keywords throughout your website content.

– Optimize your website’s technical aspects like loading speed and mobile responsiveness.

Check:Affordable SEO Services in Delhi

– Build high-quality backlinks from other websites.

– Create valuable and engaging content that your target audience will love.

– Track your progress and adjust your strategy as needed.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

How do I check my website SEO ranking?

There are several ways to check your website’s SEO ranking, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few common methods:

1. Search engine ranking checker tools:

These tools, like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Moz, allow you to enter a keyword and see where your website ranks for that keyword on Google and other search engines. They also provide additional data, such as estimated traffic, competition level, and keyword difficulty.

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– Quick and easy to use

– Provide detailed data on your keyword rankings

– Can track your rankings over time


– Can be expensive

– May not be accurate for all keywords

Know More: What is backlink in SEO?

– Don’t show you the full picture of your SEO health

2. Google Search Console:

This free tool from Google provides insights into your website’s performance in search results. You can see which keywords your website ranks for, how many clicks you’re getting from search, and any errors that may be affecting your rankings.

Read More: How to rank my website through Google


– Free to use

– Provides data directly from Google

– Can help you identify and fix SEO issues


– Can be overwhelming for beginners

– Doesn’t show you your rankings for specific keywords

– Limited data compared to paid tools

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3. Manual search:

The simplest way to check your website’s ranking is to type your target keyword into Google and see where your website appears. However, this method is not very accurate, as your ranking may vary depending on your location, search history, and other factors.


– Free and easy to do

– Gives you a general idea of your ranking

Check:How much do SEO agencies charge?


– Not accurate

– Time-consuming

– Doesn’t provide any additional data

No matter which method you choose, it’s important to track your website’s SEO ranking over time to see how your efforts are paying off. You can also use this data to identify areas where you can improve your SEO.

Here are some additional tips for checking your website’s SEO ranking:

– Use a variety of tools and methods to get a more accurate picture of your ranking.

– Focus on tracking your ranking for important keywords that are relevant to your business.

– Don’t get discouraged if your ranking doesn’t improve overnight. SEO is a long-term game, and it takes time to see results.

– Make sure to keep your website content fresh and up-to-date.

– Build backlinks to your website from other high-quality websites.

– Use social media to promote your website and content.

By following these tips, you can improve your website’s SEO ranking and attract more organic traffic from search engines.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Why is Google not indexing my website?

There are several reasons why Google might not be indexing your website. Here are some of the most common:

New website: If your website is new, it may simply take time for Google to discover and crawl it. It can take a week or longer for Google to index your website, so be patient.

Know More: What is backlink in SEO?

Robots.txt: Your robots.txt file tells search engines which pages they can and cannot crawl. If your robots.txt file is blocking Google from crawling your website, it will not be indexed.

No sitemap: A sitemap is a file that lists all the pages on your website. It helps search engines find and index your pages more easily. If your website does not have a sitemap, Google may have difficulty finding and indexing your pages.

Read More: How to rank my website through Google

Low-quality content: If your website content is thin, low-quality, or not relevant to your keywords, Google may not index it.

Technical errors: Technical issues on your website, such as broken links or slow loading times, can prevent Google from indexing your website.

Penalties: If your website has been penalized by Google for violating their Webmaster Guidelines, it may not be indexed.

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Here are some things you can do to troubleshoot the problem:

Check your robots.txt file: Make sure that it is not blocking Google from crawling your website.

Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console: This will help Google find and index your pages more quickly.

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Create high-quality content: Make sure your website content is relevant to your keywords and informative for your users.

Fix any technical errors: Use a website crawler to identify and fix any technical errors on your website.

Request reconsideration: If you believe your website has been penalized by Google, you can request a reconsideration.

Here are some resources that may be helpful:

Google Search Console: https://search.google.com/search-console/about

Robots.txt file: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062598?hl=en

Sitemap: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/sitemaps/build-sitemap

Webmaster Guidelines: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/essentials

Once you have addressed the issue, it may take some time for Google to re-crawl and index your website. Be patient and continue to create high-quality content.

If you are still having trouble after trying these suggestions, you can contact Google Search Central for help.

What is backlink in SEO?

A backlink, also known as an inbound link or incoming link, is a link created when one website links to another single or multiple website. Backlinks are a key factor in search engine optimization (SEO) as they are seen as a vote of confidence from one website to another. The more backlinks a website has, the higher it will rank in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Read more: How to rank my website through Google

Here are some of the benefits of having backlinks:

Increased website traffic: When a website links to your website, it provides a pathway for users to click through to your site. This can lead to an increase in website traffic, which can help you to generate leads and sales.

Improved website ranking: Backlinks are one of the most important factors that search engines consider when ranking websites. The more backlinks a website has, the higher it will rank in SERPs. This is because search engines see backlinks as a vote of confidence from one website to another.

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Increased brand awareness: When other websites link to your website, it helps to increase brand awareness. This is because more people will be exposed to your brand name and logo.

Improved DA (domain authority): DA (Domain authority) is a score that measures the authority of a website. The higher the DA the more likely a website is to rank well in SERPs. Backlinks can help to improve a website’s DA.

There are a number of ways to build backlinks to your website, including:

Creating high-quality content: When you create high-quality content, other websites are more likely to link to it. This is because your content will be valuable and informative to their users.

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Guest blogging: Guest blogging is a great way to get backlinks from other websites. You can guest blog on websites that are relevant to your industry.

Broken link building: Broken link building involves finding broken links on other websites and then contacting the webmaster to offer a replacement link to your website.

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Directory submissions: There are a number of online directories that you can submit your website to. These directories can help to increase your website’s backlinks.

Social media: You can promote your website on social media to get backlinks from other websites.

How to rank my website through Google

Ranking your website higher in Google search results is a complex process involving many factors. Here are the 3 main aspects you should focus on:

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1. On-page optimization:

Keyword research: Identify relevant keywords that people are searching for and incorporate them naturally into your website content, titles, meta descriptions, and headings.

Content quality: Create high-quality content that is informative, engaging, and relevant to your target audience. Provide valuable information and solve user problems.

Check: How much do SEO agencies charge?

Technical SEO: Ensure your website is technically sound and easy for search engines to crawl and index. This includes optimizing page loading speed, mobile-friendliness, structured data markup, and internal linking structure.

2. Off-page optimization:

Backlinks: Build a strong backlink profile by acquiring high-quality links from other reputable websites. This can be done through guest blogging, directory submissions, broken link building, and other strategies.

Check: What is the cost of SEO in Delhi?

Social media promotion: Share your content on social media platforms to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website.

Local SEO: If you have a local business, claim and optimize your Google My Business listing and build citations on relevant local directories.

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3. User experience:

– Website navigation: Make sure your website is easy to navigate and find information.

– User engagement: Encourage users to interact with your website by leaving comments, sharing content, and subscribing to your newsletter.

– Mobile responsiveness: Ensure your website is optimized for mobile devices, as most searches now happen on smartphones.

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Additional tips:

– Monitor and analyze your website traffic: Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website traffic and identify areas for improvement.

– Stay up-to-date with Google algorithm updates: Google constantly updates its search algorithms, so it’s important to stay informed and adapt your SEO strategies accordingly.

– Consider hiring an SEO professional: If you need help with SEO, consider hiring an experienced SEO professional to assist you.

Here are some helpful resources:

– Google’s SEO Starter Guide: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/fundamentals/get-started-developers

– Moz Beginner’s Guide to SEO: https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-seo

– Backlinko’s Guide to SEO: https://backlinko.com/

Remember, SEO is a long-term strategy, and it takes time and effort to see significant results. Be patient, consistent, and always strive to provide value to your users.

Affordable SEO Services in Delhi

Finding affordable SEO services in Delhi can be a challenge, especially with the vast number of agencies available. However, with careful research and consideration, you can find a reputable company that provides effective services at a budget-friendly price. Here are some tips to help you find affordable SEO services in Delhi:

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1. Research and compare services:

– Browse online directories and review websites: Platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms, and Google Reviews offer user-generated feedback and ratings for various SEO agencies. This helps you assess their service quality and client satisfaction.

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– Read agency websites and compare packages: Most agencies list their service offerings and pricing on their websites. Compare different packages and see what services are included within your budget.

– Look for agencies with transparent pricing: Avoid agencies that hide their costs or require long-term contracts without clear deliverables. Opt for agencies that offer transparent pricing structures and flexible engagement options.

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2. Get quotes from multiple agencies:

– Don’t settle for the first quote you receive. Contact at least 3-5 different agencies and request detailed proposals outlining their proposed strategies, expected results, and associated costs.

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– Compare the proposals carefully: Look for similarities and differences in their proposed strategies, achievable outcomes, and pricing structures. This will help you understand the value each agency offers and make an informed decision.

3. Consider local vs. national agencies:

– Local SEO agencies: Often more affordable and understand the local market better, potentially offering competitive rates.

Read more: How much do SEO agencies charge?

– National SEO agencies: May offer a wider range of services and expertise but might charge higher fees.

4. Focus on results, not just price:

– While affordability is important, prioritize agencies that demonstrate a track record of successful SEO campaigns and positive client feedback.

– Look for agencies that offer measurable results and transparent reporting, allowing you to track the impact of their services on your website’s performance.

5. Negotiate the price:

– Don’t be afraid to negotiate the price, especially if you are considering a long-term partnership.

– Explain your budget constraints and see if the agency is willing to adjust their package or offer discounts.

Here are some additional resources that might help you find affordable SEO services in Delhi:

– Blog: Affordable SEO Services in Delhi: Your Path to Online Success (Medium)

– Website: Best Affordable SEO Services in Delhi

– Website: Affordable SEO Services in Delhi India

Remember, finding the right SEO agency is an investment in your business’s online success. Take your time, do your research, and choose an agency that aligns with your budget and goals.

How much do SEO agencies charge?

SEO agency fees can vary widely depending on several factors, including:

Agency experience and expertise: More experienced and renowned agencies with proven track records typically command higher fees.

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Project scope and complexity: The size and complexity of your website, industry competition, and desired keywords will significantly impact the price.

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Services included: Some agencies offer basic packages focusing on on-page optimization and link building, while others provide comprehensive solutions encompassing technical SEO, content creation, and ongoing maintenance.

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Location: Agencies in developed countries like the US tend to charge higher rates compared to those in developing nations.

Here’s a general overview of SEO agency pricing:

Hourly Rates:

– Freelancers: $50 – $150/hour

– SEO consultants: $100 – $250/hour

– Agencies: $100 – $250+/hour

Monthly Retainers:

– Small businesses: $500 – $5,000/month

– Mid-sized businesses: $5,000 – $15,000/month

– Large businesses: $15,000+/month


– Small projects: $5,000 – $25,000

– Large projects: $25,000 – $100,000+

Here are some specific examples of SEO agency pricing in different regions:

– India: INR 5,000 – 25,000/month (approx. $600 – $3,000)

– US: $2,500 – $10,000/month

-UK: £2,000 – £10,000/month

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Remember, the best way to get an accurate quote for your specific needs is to contact several different agencies and inquire about their pricing models. Be sure to provide them with as much information as possible about your website, goals, and budget.

What is the cost of SEO in Delhi?

The cost of SEO in Delhi can vary depending on several factors, including the specific services you need, the complexity of your website, the competitiveness of your niche, and the experience of the SEO company you hire. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from INR 5,000 to INR 1,00,000 per month for SEO services in Delhi.

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Here is a breakdown of the average SEO pricing in Delhi:

1. Basic SEO packages typically start at around INR 5,000 per month and include basic SEO tasks such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and technical SEO audits.

2. Mid-range SEO packages typically cost between INR 10,000 and INR 50,000 per month and include more comprehensive SEO services such as off-page SEO, link building, and content marketing.

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3. Premium SEO packages typically cost between INR 50,000 and INR 1,00,000 per month and include the most advanced SEO services, such as local SEO, international SEO, and pay-per-click (PPC) management.

Here are some factors that can affect the cost of SEO in Delhi:

– The specific services you need: Some SEO services, such as technical SEO and on-page optimization, are relatively inexpensive, while others, such as off-page SEO and link building, are more expensive.

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– The complexity of your website: If your website is large and complex, it will require more time and effort to optimize than a smaller, simpler website.

– The competitiveness of your niche: If your niche is highly competitive, you will need to invest more in SEO to rank well in search results.

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– The experience of the SEO company you hire: Experienced SEO companies typically charge higher rates than less experienced companies.

Here are some tips for getting the best value for your SEO investment in Delhi:

1. Do your research and find a reputable SEO company with experience in your niche.

2. Get multiple quotes from different SEO companies.

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3. Be clear about your budget and expectations upfront.

4. Monitor your SEO progress and make sure you are getting the results you are paying for.

By following these tips, you can find an SEO company in Delhi that provides high-quality services at a fair price.

Best SEO Service Provider Company in Delhi

To find the best SEO service company in Delhi or any other location, I recommend conducting your own research. Here are some steps you can take to identify a reputable SEO service provider:

1.  Online Research:  Look for SEO companies in Delhi through search engines, social media, and online directories. Read their websites, client reviews, and case studies to get an idea of their services and track record.

2.  Ask for Recommendations:  Seek recommendations from colleagues, friends, or business associates who have used SEO services in the past. Personal referrals can be valuable.

3.  Check Their Portfolio:  Examine the SEO company’s portfolio to see examples of their work and the results they have achieved for other clients. This can give you insights into their expertise.

4.  Verify Their Experience:  Look for an SEO company with a proven track record and several years of experience in the industry. Experience often correlates with expertise.

5.  Ask About Their Approach:  Contact potential SEO companies and ask about their strategies and approach to SEO. Ensure they use ethical, white-hat techniques that comply with search engine guidelines.

6.  Request a Consultation:  Many SEO companies offer free consultations. Use this opportunity to discuss your specific needs, goals, and budget with them. This will help you gauge their understanding of your business.

7.  Compare Quotes:  Get quotes from multiple SEO companies and compare their pricing, services, and deliverables. Keep in mind that the cheapest option may not always be the best.

8.  Check References:  Ask the SEO company for references from past or current clients. Contact these references to get their feedback on the company’s performance.

9.  Understand Reporting:  Inquire about the type of reporting and analytics the SEO company provides. Regular reporting is essential to track progress and ROI.

10.  Contracts and Guarantees:  Review the terms of the contract carefully. Be wary of companies that promise guaranteed rankings or quick results, as SEO is an ongoing process and results can vary.

By conducting thorough research and due diligence, you can find the best SEO service company in Delhi that aligns with your business goals and budget. Remember that effective SEO is a long-term investment, so choose a company that you can work with for the long haul.

Why Digital Marketing is Important for Business?

Digital marketing is nothing but the marketing services or products using online, mainly the internet, including display advertising, audio advertisement, video advertisement on mobile phones, tablets, computers or any other digital medium. Now, online platforms have become a trend with multiple users across the globe. 

Digital marketing is easy to handle, monitor, track and trustworthy which provides good transparency in your business.

Key benefits of digital marketing are:

It helps expand business and popularity of the brand/service

  • Good advertisement leads to good sales and this is exactly what digital marketing caters you with. It uses smart techniques and strategies that not only attract customers but also helps convert these leads into sales.
  • Digital marketing allows you to engage with the customers via blogs, social media, and brand websites and maintain a better relationship. It also helps you retain, acquire customers, understand their needs and reviews about the company.
  • The ability to attract and interact with targeted customers in real-time is another reason why digital marketing is loved over traditional marketing. It allows you to deliver quality, builds the reputation of your brand and provides opportunities to reach bigger markets.

Gives a fair chance to small enterprises

  • The days when the notion that digital marketing is essential for large corporations is long gone, even the small/medium scale enterprises can get a chance to compete against the big ones and attract their fair share of traffic.
  • The small fishes in the world of digital marketing can effectively multiply customers without the need for call centers, branches, and physical stores.

Is cost-effective and profitable

  • Another key advantage is that digital marketing offers a more cost-effective marketing channel over the traditional techniques and effective marketing also helps generate better revenues by high conversion rates.
  • Digital marketing provides better ROI (Return of Investment) than traditional marketing channels. With better branding and revenues, you can easily generate sales or leads from the targeted traffic to realize your ROI faster.